TikTok Made Me Buy It: How Viral Trends Hijack Your Cart

Published on October 21, 2024

by Tara Parker-Pope

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through TikTok, mindlessly watching videos, only to end up with a cart full of products you never knew you needed? From clothing to home décor to beauty products, TikTok has a way of convincing us to buy things we didn’t even know existed. But how exactly do these viral trends hijack our carts and why are we so easily influenced by them? In this article, we’ll delve into the phenomenon of “TikTok made me buy it” and explore the psychology behind our impulsive purchasing habits on the popular social media platform.TikTok Made Me Buy It: How Viral Trends Hijack Your Cart

The Allure of Viral Trends

If you’re an active TikTok user, you’re probably familiar with the term “TikTok made me buy it”. This phrase has become a common trend on the app, with users showcasing products they’ve bought because of their appearance in viral videos. Whether it’s a highly-recommended skincare item or a trendy clothing brand, there’s no denying the power of these viral trends. But why are we so drawn to them in the first place?

For one, the algorithm of TikTok is designed to keep us hooked. As we mindlessly scroll through videos, we’re constantly being shown products and trends that are tailored to our interests and preferences. This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making us more likely to give in to these viral trends.

Moreover, the fast-paced nature of TikTok means that trends come and go quickly. In order to stay relevant and on top of the latest trends, users feel the need to purchase these products before they’re “gone”. FOMO (fear of missing out) plays a big role in our impulsive buying habits on the app, as we don’t want to feel left out or behind the times.

The Power of Social Proof

Another factor that contributes to our “TikTok made me buy it” mentality is the power of social proof. When we see others using and raving about a certain product, we’re more likely to believe that it’s worth buying. This is especially true on TikTok, where influencers and everyday users have a significant influence on their followers’ purchasing decisions.

Furthermore, many TikTok trends incorporate a sense of community and inclusivity, making us feel like we’re a part of something bigger by purchasing these products. The comments section of these viral trend videos are usually filled with people saying “I need to get this” or “I’m buying this right now”, creating a sense of peer pressure to join in on the trend.

The Danger of Impulsive Buying

While TikTok may seem like a harmless platform for showcasing trendy products, there are serious consequences to our impulsive buying habits. Many of these products are not only unnecessary, but also expensive. The constant barrage of new trends and products can quickly add up, leading to overspending and financial strain.

Moreover, buying products solely based on their viral status does not guarantee that they will actually work for us. This leads to a buildup of unused, wasteful products that we never would have bought if not for their appearance on TikTok. It’s important to remember that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, and not all trends are worth jumping on.


In conclusion, TikTok has revolutionized shopping by making us more susceptible to viral trends and peer influence. However, it’s important to be conscious of our buying habits and not let them be solely dictated by what’s popular on the app. Think critically and carefully about the products you’re purchasing, and always prioritize your needs and budget over fleeting trends. As they say, don’t let TikTok hijack your cart!